
Upcoming Release


Breaking API Changes:

  • Remove StateType - @Qata


Breaking API Changes:

  • Change Reducer to a generic function type - @Qata

API Changes:

  • Rename Middleware.increase(_:) to Middleware.flatMap(_:) - @Qata
  • Make Middleware.sideEffect(_:) supply an escaping dispatch function - @Qata


API Changes:

  • Change Reducer.transform to be publicly accessible - @Qata
  • Change Store.observable to be open with a private setter - @Qata


Breaking API Changes:

  • Change all of Store’s instance variables to be immutable except observable, whose setter is now private - @Qata
  • Change all of Store’s instance variables to not be implicitly unwrapped optionals because that was gross - @Qata


Breaking API Changes:

  • Remove StoreType - @Qata
  • Remove stateType: label from Store.init (this was required for StoreType to work) - @Qata
  • Change DispatchQueue handling location from Store to ObservableProperty - @Qata

API Changes:

  • Add the dispatchQueue: argument to the initialiser. The queue is a DispatchQueue which is used as the execution context for - @Qata
  • Use default arguments in the main initialiser and remove the convenience initialiser (Swift autogenerates convenience initialisers when default arguments are used) - @Qata
  • Add map(_:), distinct(_:) and distinct() to ObservableProperty - @Qata

Bug Fixes:

  • Remove the exception when dispatching from reducers. This was causing issues with asynchronous dispatching - @Qata


API Changes:

  • Add the increase method to Middleware, allowing you to transform one action into many - @Qata

Bug Fixes:

  • Move the setting of the store observable’s value out of the locked area, preventing updates from triggering the Reducers dispatching actions exception - @Qata


Breaking API Changes:

  • Remove all subscription as delegation (StoreSubscriber) - @Qata
  • Remove ActionCreator since this can easily be solved with FRP as a single value stream - @Qata
  • Simplify Store and change it to use observables - @Qata
  • Remove the Reducer protocol and create a Reducer struct that is generic over the StateType of your Store - @Qata
  • Remove the Middleware typealias and create a Middleware struct that is generic over the StateType of your Store - @Qata

API Changes:

  • Add FRP conforming protocols to allow easy plugging-in to FRP libraries. - @Qata
  • Add a dispatch function to Store to allow reactive streams of Actions to be lifted into Store - @Qata